When giving the password, the voice must be firm. Don't repeat the command over and over again just to get the dog to obey it. If the dog is indifferent when saying the password for the first time, repeat it within 2-3 seconds, and then encourage the dog. You don't want your dog to act after you say the password 20 or 30 times. What you want is that as soon as you say the command, it will move.
Passwords and gestures must be consistent throughout. Spend 10-15 minutes a day practicing these passwords.

Don't let a dog bite you, even as a joke. Because once a habit is formed, it is very difficult to break the habit. Aggressive dogs need more professional training, including the action of being diagnosed and so on. Especially ferocious dogs must be properly trained before being taken out.
Bad movements cannot be repeated, so as not to form bad habits.
Dogs communicate differently than humans, and you need to understand their language.
Every dog is different, and some dogs may learn a little slower, but don't worry. There is no dog in the world that cannot be trained.
Whether you're sitting or standing, don't let your dog lean on you. It's not a sign that it likes you. Rather, it may be to invade your domain, to show you its authority. You are the owner, and if it's leaning against you, stand up and push it away with your foot or knee. If the dog stands up, praise it. If you need your own space, tell your dog to go back to its den or crate.
If you are going to use gestures, use gestures that are clear and unique to your dog. There are standard gestures for simple commands like "sit" or "wait". You can go online or consult a professional dog trainer.
Be firm and gentle with your dog. It is more appropriate to speak in the usual indoor voice.
Praise your dog frequently and generously.
If your dog defecates on someone else's property or in a public area, you have to clean it up. That way others will love your dog as much as you do.
Choose the collar and leash according to the size of the dog, too big or too small may hurt the dog.
Take your dog to the vet regularly. When the dog reaches a certain age, it will be sterilized according to regulations and so on.
Raising a dog is like raising a child, you must be careful. Do all the preparations before getting a dog.
Post time: Nov-17-2023