Question 1: Can multiple collars be connected simultaneously?
Answer 1: Yes, multiple collars can be connected. However, when operating the device, you can only choose to connect one or all collars. You cannot select only two or three collars. Collars that do not need to be connected must be cancel pairing. For example, if you select to connect four collars but only need to connect two, such as collar 2 and collar 4, you need to cancel pairing the others on the remote instead of selecting only collar 2 and collar 4 on the remote and leaving collar 1 and collar 3 turned on. If you do not cancel pairing collar 1 and collar 3 from the remote and only turn them off, the remote will issue an out-of-range warning, and the icons of collar 1 and collar 3 on the remote will flash because the signal of the turned-off collars cannot be detected.

Question 2: Will other functions work normally when the electronic fence is on?
Answer 2: When the electronic fence is on and a single collar is connected, the remote icon will not display the shock icon, but will display the level of the electronic fence. However, the shock function is normal, and the shock level depends on the level set before entering the electronic fence. When in this state, you cannot see the shock level when selecting the shock function, but you can see the vibration level. This is because, after selecting the electronic fence, the screen only displays the electronic fence level and not the shock level. When multiple collars are connected, the vibration level is consistent with the level set before entering the electronic fence, and the shock level defaults to level 1.
Question 3: When the out-of-range sound and vibration are warning simultaneously, will manually operating the vibration and sound on the remote conflict with each other? Which one takes priority?
Answer 3: When out of range, the collar will emit sound first, and the remote will also beep. After 5 seconds,the collar will vibrate and beep at the same time. However, if you simultaneously press the vibration function on the remote at this time, the vibration function on the remote takes priority over the out-of-range warning function. If you stop pressing the remote, the out-of-range vibration and warning sound will continue to be emitted.

Question 4: When out of range, will the warning stop immediately after returning to the range or will there be a delay, and how long is the delay?
Answer 4: There is usually a delay of about 3-5 seconds.
Question 5: When controlling multiple collars in electronic fence mode, will the signals between collars affect each other?
Answer 5: No, they will not affect each other.
Question 6: Can the level of vibration warning triggered automatically when exceeding the electronic fence distance be adjusted?
Answer 6: Yes, it can be adjusted, but it needs to be set before entering the electronic fence. After entering the electronic fence, the levels of all other functions except the electronic fence level cannot be adjusted.
Post time: Oct-22-2023