Methods of training dog

First of all, the concept

Strictly speaking, training a dog is not being cruel to him. Similarly, letting the dog do whatever he wants is not really loving the dog. Dogs need firm guidance and can become anxious if not taught how to react in various situations.

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1. Although the name is to train the dog, the purpose of all the training is to teach the owner to communicate and communicate with the dog better. After all, our IQ and understanding are higher than theirs, so we need to understand and adapt them. If you don't teach or communicate poorly, don't expect the dog to try to adapt to you, he will only think that you are not a good leader and will not respect you.

2. Dog training is based on effective communication. Dogs can't understand what we say, but effective communication must ensure that the owner's wishes and requirements are conveyed to the dog, that is to say, the dog must know whether a certain behavior of its own is correct or wrong, so that training can be meaningful. If you beat him and scold him, but he doesn't know what he did wrong, it will only make him afraid of you, and his behavior will not be corrected. For details on how to communicate, please continue to read below.

3. What that sums up is that dog training must be long-term, and likewise, repetitive, and passwords are absolutely necessary during training. For example, if you train a dog to sit down, you only need to do it once. I hope he can learn it in one day, and it is impossible to start obedient the next day; Use this password. If it is suddenly changed to "baby sit down" tomorrow, he will not be able to understand it. If he changes it again and again, he will be confused and will not be able to learn this action; the same action can only be learned after repeated times, and it must be actively strengthened after learning. If you learn to sit down and don't use it often, the dog will forget it; the dog will not draw inferences from one example, so the scene is very important in many cases. Many dogs learn to obey commands at home, but they don’t necessarily understand that the same command is effective in all scenarios when they go out and change the outdoor scene.

4. Based on Articles 2 and 3, it is most effective to have clear rewards and punishments. If you are right, you will be rewarded, and if you are wrong, you will be punished. Punishment can include beating, but violent beating and continuous beating are not recommended. If you keep beating, you will find that the dog's resistance to beating is improving day by day, and eventually one day you will find that no matter how much you beat, it will not work. And the beating must be carried out when the dog knows why he was beaten, and the dog who has never understood why he was beaten will be afraid of the owner, and his personality will become sensitive and timid. The summary is: unless you catch the bag on the spot when the dog makes a mistake, it can make the dog clearly realize that he has made a mistake so he is beaten, and the shot is very heavy. It doesn't work as well as most people think. Beating the dog is not recommended! Beating the dog is not recommended! Beating the dog is not recommended!

5. The training is based on the premise that the dog respects the master's leadership status. I believe everyone has heard the theory that "dogs are very good at putting their noses on their faces". If the dog feels that the owner is inferior to him, training will not be effective.

6. Gouzi's IQ is not that high, so don't expect too much. Gouzi's way of thinking is very simple: a specific behavior - get feedback (positive or negative) - repeat and deepen the impression - and finally master it. Punish wrong actions and teach correct actions in the same scene to be effective. There is no need to have such thoughts as "my dog is a wolf, I treat him so well and he still bites me", or the same sentence, a dog is not smart enough to understand that if you treat him well, he has to respect you. . The dog's respect is more based on the status established by the owner and reasonable teaching.

7. Walking and neutering can alleviate most behavioral problems, especially in male dogs.

Although the name is to train the dog, the purpose of all the training is to teach the owner to communicate and communicate with the dog better. After all, our IQ and understanding are higher than theirs, so we need to understand and adapt them. If you don't teach or communicate poorly, don't expect the dog to try to adapt to you, he will only think that you are not a good leader and will not respect you.
Dog training is based on effective communication. Dogs can't understand what we say, but effective communication must ensure that the owner's wishes and requirements are conveyed to the dog, that is to say, the dog must know whether a certain behavior of its own is correct or wrong, so that training can be meaningful. If you beat him and scold him, but he doesn't know what he did wrong, it will only make him afraid of you, and his behavior will not be corrected. For details on how to communicate, please continue to read below.
What that sums up is that dog training must be long-term, and likewise, repetitive, and passwords are absolutely necessary during training. For example, if you train a dog to sit down, you only need to do it once. I hope he can learn it in one day, and it is impossible to start obedient the next day; Use this password. If it is suddenly changed to "baby sit down" tomorrow, he will not be able to understand it. If he changes it again and again, he will be confused and will not be able to learn this action; the same action can only be learned after repeated times, and it must be actively strengthened after learning. If you learn to sit down and don't use it often, the dog will forget it; the dog will not draw inferences from one example, so the scene is very important in many cases. Many dogs learn to obey commands at home, but they don’t necessarily understand that the same command is effective in all scenarios when they go out and change the outdoor scene.
4. Based on Articles 2 and 3, it is most effective to have clear rewards and punishments. If you are right, you will be rewarded, and if you are wrong, you will be punished. Punishment can include beating, but violent beating and continuous beating are not recommended. If you keep beating, you will find that the dog's resistance to beating is improving day by day, and eventually one day you will find that no matter how much you beat, it will not work. And the beating must be carried out when the dog knows why he was beaten, and the dog who has never understood why he was beaten will be afraid of the owner, and his personality will become sensitive and timid. The summary is: unless you catch the bag on the spot when the dog makes a mistake, it can make the dog clearly realize that he has made a mistake so he is beaten, and the shot is very heavy. It doesn't work as well as most people think. Beating the dog is not recommended! Beating the dog is not recommended! Beating the dog is not recommended!

5. The training is based on the premise that the dog respects the master's leadership status. I believe everyone has heard the theory that "dogs are very good at putting their noses on their faces". If the dog feels that the owner is inferior to him, training will not be effective.

6. Gouzi's IQ is not that high, so don't expect too much. Gouzi's way of thinking is very simple: a specific behavior - get feedback (positive or negative) - repeat and deepen the impression - and finally master it. Punish wrong actions and teach correct actions in the same scene to be effective. There is no need to have such thoughts as "my dog is a wolf, I treat him so well and he still bites me", or the same sentence, a dog is not smart enough to understand that if you treat him well, he has to respect you. . The dog's respect is more based on the status established by the owner and reasonable teaching.

7. Walking and neutering can alleviate most behavioral problems, especially in male dogs.

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8. Please don't decide to abandon the dog just because he is disobedient. Think about it carefully, have you fulfilled all the responsibilities you should have as a master? Did you teach him well? Or do you expect him to be so smart that you don't have to teach him that he will automatically learn your preferences? Do you really know your dog? is he happy Are you really nice to him? It doesn't mean that feeding him, bathing him and spending some money on him is good for him. Please don’t leave him alone at home for too long. Going out to walk the dog is not enough to pee. He also needs exercise and friends. Please don't have the idea that "my dog should be loyal and obedient, and it should be beaten by me". If you want to be respected by your dog, you also need to respect his basic needs.

9. Please don't think that your dog is fiercer than other dogs. It is a good behavior to bark when you go out. This will frighten passers-by, and it is also the original reason for the conflict between humans and dogs. Moreover, dogs who are easy to bark or have aggressive behaviors are mostly anxious and restless, which is not a stable and healthy mental state for dogs. Please raise your dog in a civilized manner. Don't let the dog feel that you are alone and helpless because of the incompetence of the owner, and don't cause trouble to others.

10. Please don't expect and demand too much from Gouzi, and please don't complain that he is naughty, disobedient and ignorant. As a dog owner, you need to understand: first, you made the decision to keep a dog, and you chose to take the dog home, so you have to face his good and his bad as the owner. Second, a Gouzi is a Gouzi, you can’t demand him like a human being, and it’s unreasonable to expect him to do what he says as soon as he’s taught. Third, if the dog is still young, you have to understand that he is still a child, he is still exploring the world and trying to get familiar with the owner, it is normal for him to run around and make troubles because he is still young, you and his Getting along is also a process of mutual understanding and adaptation. It is an unrealistic requirement to expect him to recognize you as the master within a few days after he comes home and understand his name. All in all, the quality of the dog directly reflects the quality of the owner. The more time and education you give to the dog, the better he will be able to do.

11. Please do not bring personal emotions, such as anger and frustration, when training dogs (why not after teaching so many times). Try to be as objective as possible in dog training and discuss the facts as they stand.

12. Try to prevent wrong behavior and guide correct behavior before the dog makes mistakes.

13. The human language that a dog can understand is very limited, so after he does something wrong, the owner's immediate response and handling (body language) is far more effective than verbal language and deliberate training. Gouzi's way of thinking is very focused on behavior and results. In Gouzi's eyes, all his actions will lead to certain results. Moreover, the time for dogs to concentrate is very short, so timeliness is very important when rewarding and punishing. In other words, as an owner, your every move is feedback and training for the dog's behavior.

To give a simple example, when the dog Ahua was 3 months old, he liked to bite his hands. Every time he bit his owner F, F would say no and touch Ahua with one hand, hoping that he would stop biting. . F felt that his training was in place, so he said no, and pushed Ah Hua away, but Ah Hua still couldn't learn not to bite, so he was very frustrated.

The mistake of this behavior is that the dog thinks being touched is a reward/playing with him, but F's immediate reaction after Ah Hua bites is to touch him. In other words, the dog will associate biting = being touched = being rewarded, so in his mind the owner is encouraging the biting behavior. But at the same time, F will also give no verbal instructions, and Ah Hua also understands that the no instruction means that she has done something wrong. Therefore, Ahua felt that the master was rewarding herself while saying that she had done something wrong, so she couldn't understand whether the action of biting her hand was right or wrong.

Post time: Dec-01-2023