How to make your dog happy?

Ensuring your dog's physical and mental health involves constantly motivating your dog, even when you're not home.

The key to keeping your dog happy is that you spend more time with him and help him develop healthy habits.

How to make your dog happy-01 (2)

part 1

enrich the dog's mind

1. When you're outside, you need to keep your lone dog occupied.

Dogs were originally domesticated by humans for herding and hunting, so when this nature of dogs is suppressed, they will be mischievous and wreak havoc everywhere.

Design your obstacle course according to your dog's preferences.

To motivate your dog, you might as well play food educational toys for it, such as KONG leaking food toys.

Many types of chew toys are available for dogs, as they not only exercise your dog's jaw muscles and teeth, but also keep him from chewing on your shoes.

Hire someone to walk the dog or play with it when you're out.

2. Expand the dog's "social circle".

If a dog is left alone or locked at home all day long, it is not conducive to physical and mental health. Once it comes into contact with other people or other dogs, it will develop fear. However, it is also necessary to understand the dog's temperament and know the limit of social activities it can withstand.

Take your dog for a walk, take your dog to the dog park, or make an appointment with someone to bring their own dog out to play together.

Once a week, have a trusted friend who knows dogs come over to watch your dog and get him used to being around other people.

If your dog is timid and always on the verge of fear, you might as well introduce him to one dog at a time, of course only the kind that behaves quietly and won't scare him.

3. Train your dog. Training your dog not only lifts his spirits, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your dog because you communicate exactly what you want to him when you train him. If you're not sure which training is best for your dog, consult a professional dog trainer.

4. Establish your unwavering leadership over your dog.

It is true that you must fully express your love for a dog, but after all, a dog is a tribal animal, and its life must be led by a leader, otherwise it will fall into chaos. Therefore, it is imperative to always establish your leadership over your dog.

Only play with your dog if he is at peace and willing to play.

When the dog has completed the command you gave, you need to give it a special reward.

When walking your dog, your dog needs to be next to or behind you.

5. When getting along with dogs, be calm and composed.

Don't be restless, because you are the leader, and if you show bad emotions, it will definitely have a negative impact on the dog.

When animals are stressed, they are very aggressive.

6. Enhance the self-confidence of the dog.

Believe it or not, dogs have self-esteem too. As its owner, there are things you can do to boost your dog's self-confidence. For example, give your dog plenty of praise when he masters a new skill or achieves another achievement.

Remember: tone of voice is key when communicating with your dog. The tone of appreciation is different from the tone of instruction.

How to make your dog happy-01 (1)

part 2

Keeping Your Dog Healthy

1. Keep your dog active.

Like people, dogs need exercise, especially if they've been alone all day. Therefore, you might as well let your dog play more obstacle-jumping games, or play interesting interactive games with him.

Hide and seek is beneficial to the physical and mental health of dogs.

If your dog is active, you can enroll him in an alertness training program organized by your local shelter.

If the puppy is precocious, you might as well let it play some intense competitive games to consume excessive energy and improve its social skills.

Water sports are a safe, low-risk form of exercise for older dogs with stiff joints.

If the dog is still young, you may wish to find a place where dogs of the same age or temperament as it gather in the dog park, let it join in and play together, so that you don't have to worry about its safety.

2. Dog food should be nutritionally balanced.

An animal is happiest when it can run and jump, and for that it needs to be given healthy food. How to feed your dog depends on its age, energy and allergens. The best option is to buy organic, grain-free dog food that is available in the market. However, some veterinarians swear by the fact that human foods are suitable for dogs, including:

unsalted raw peanut butter

mini carrots


Haricot vert

Apple Crisp


3. Regularly make an appointment with the veterinarian for the dog's physical examination.

A veterinarian will give your dog a complete physical exam and, if necessary, vaccinations. It is best for puppies and old dogs to see a veterinarian every six months, while for adult dogs under ten years old, it is best to see a veterinarian once a year.

Taking your dog to the vet can also teach you how to care for your dog's ears and teeth, keep it clean and healthy, and eliminate hygiene hazards in a timely manner.

4. Keep the dog safe at all times.

Measures to ensure the safety of dogs include: wearing identification tags for dogs; installing fences where dogs live to isolate potential predators; when dogs go out in hot weather, there must be complete shade measures and sufficient drinking water .

When driving, keep your dog tethered to the seat and never let him poke out the window, or he could fall out of the car or be hit by an airborne object.

Unless the dog is well trained, it must be kept on a leash as soon as it leaves the house to avoid accidents. This is important, especially in high traffic areas.

Where there are dogs, you need to keep an eye on the little ones. Also, don't let a small child hold the puppy, as he may drop or injure the puppy.

5. Massage the dog regularly.

Regular massage can decompress your dog's depression and relieve potential joint pain.

Gently massaging the muscles, layers of fat, and bones can be very effective in calming an anxious dog.

Daily massage can prolong your dog's lifespan and improve its quality of life.

Before the dog does sports, gently knead its joints, which will help it to completely relax its body and mind during exercise.

Great Danes and Mastiffs are especially prone to arthritis, so in addition to daily massages, consider nutritional supplements to combat pain and maintain good health.

part 3

make the dog happy

1. Regularly comb and trim the golden retriever's hair.

Not only is the Golden Retriever's skin prone to allergies, but its thick coat is also prone to tangles. Therefore, if you want your dog's skin to not itch, you must keep its fur clean. In addition, it is also beneficial for the fur to have good heat insulation and heat preservation effects in hot summer and cold winter, respectively.

Another benefit of keeping your dog's coat clean is that it doesn't get all over your furniture.

Pay particular attention to the feathering on your dog's tail and legs, which can easily tangle up and make your dog uncomfortable.

2. Spend at least two hours a day with your Bull Terrier.

The Pit Bull Terrier is notoriously loyal, but he's clingier than other breeds and wants to be with you longer so he doesn't get bored and wreck havoc.

The active Bull Terrier cannot be left alone or outdoors all day.

Pit Bull Terriers are very athletic and enjoy swimming, running, playing Frisbee, and most physical activities.

Pit Bull Terriers are social masters. A well-trained Pit Bull Terrier loves to interact with people and can play with friends and family, even strangers, so you'll want to take him out often.

3. In cold and humid weather, you need to keep your Chihuahua warm.

This cannot be ignored because Chihuahuas, like other small dogs, have difficulty regulating their body temperature and do not have enough fur to keep them warm.

Chihuahuas like to hug their owners' legs, both for keeping out the cold and for emotional needs.

In order to prevent the Chihuahua from shivering outdoors, you might as well wear a sweater for it.

4. Make sure the terrier has toys to entertain himself, especially when he is alone.

Although terriers have a relatively independent personality, they also need plenty of exercise. As long as you provide safe utensils and places, it doesn't need you to accompany it all the time, and it can play all day by itself.

When a terrier has nothing to play with or nothing to do when left alone, he will entertain himself by causing damage, such as digging holes.

Terriers especially enjoy playing with other dogs, which also helps with their social skills.


When training your dog, be serious, but not aggressive. Yes, your dog wants to please you, but you need to show him what is right. However, never yell or shake your fist at your dog.

Know your dog's temperament. If you know it is aggressive, keep children and others away from it.

Dogs love to learn, so spend some time teaching them new tricks or obeying new commands.

Unless your dog is misbehaving, don't keep it in a crate forever.

Unless your dog is well trained, you'll need to keep him on a leash once he leaves his fenced-in enclosure.

Post time: Nov-20-2023