Dog’s body language

Dog’s body language-01

Bow your head and keep sniffing, especially in corners and corners: want to pee

Bow your head and keep sniffing and turning around: want to poop

Grinning: A warning before an attack

Sees you out of the corner of its eye (can see white of eye): warning before attacking

Barking: Unfamiliar person or dog, fear of nervous warning

Ear behind the past: obedience

Head/mouth/hands on your body: oath of sovereignty (you are inferior to him) better move away

Sitting on you: claiming sovereignty (this person is mine, he is mine) is not good either, better get rid of it

Looking directly in the eyes: provocative. So it is best not to look directly into his eyes when facing an unfamiliar dog or a new puppy. A dog that obeys its owner will not look at its owner, and the owner will look away when he sees him

Urinate a little every time you pass by a corner or in all corners of your home: mark the land

Belly turning: trust, ask for touch

Back to you: trust, ask for touch

Happy: laughing, wagging tail

Fear: tail tucking/head down/trying to look small/warning call/growl

Most dogs don't like being pinched, so be careful not to make him unhappy

Nervous: frequent lip licking/frequent yawning/frequent body shaking/excessive panting

Not sure: lifts one front foot/ears pointing forward/body stiff and tense

Overriding: Dominant Behavior, Needs Correction

Tail raised but not wagging: not a good thing, pay attention to the dog and the surrounding environment

Keep barking or making trouble: he must have some needs, more understanding and more help

Post time: Dec-04-2023