APP Control Smart Cat Litter Box
A robotic litter box/A robotic litter box/ litter box/ cat litter/litter/cat
Features & details
[Smart Litter Box]: Automatic cat litter box features APP control and one-key control. With one click, you can enjoy the ultimate convenience of automatic poop scooping and regular cleaning.
[Easy Cleaning]:Cleaning and maintaining the litter box is a breeze! With easy installation and disassembly, one-click emptying, and drum cleaning, keep auto litter box fresh and clean.
[Best Gift for Cats]:Pet automatic cat Litter box aims to be your cat's closest companion and your most diligent litter helper.
3.Please place the device on a flat hard surface, and do not place articles on the top of the device.
5.Cats weighing less than 1kg and lactating cats should not use the device under auto cleaning mode.
7.Please unplug the power cord when moving, cleaning the device, or not using it for a long time.
8.Please use the original power adapter to avoid damage to the device or potential safety hazards.
9.If children use this device, please make sure to use it under the guidance of parents or guardians.
10.Please perform maintenance under the guidance of professionals to avoid all kinds of damages.
12.Pleasereadthismanualcarefullybeforeuse.Onceinstalledandused,itis seenthatyou
13. If the product does not work correctly due to other unknown conditions, please simply restartthepowerbyunplugingandpluging-inthecord.
How often should I clean my automatic sand basin?
Cleaning times may vary from machine to machine, so be sure to check the manufacturer's manual to see which sand is recommended for your robotic sand basin. This also depends on how many cats are using the litter box.
Typically, a robotic litter tray will indicate when the waste bin is full, and on average, it takes about a week to fill, so you'll be emptying the waste about once a week.
Do automatic cat litter boxes smell?
Even the best robotic sand basins can stink, but many have built-in features that help reduce or eliminate odors, whether it's an advanced screening process or a certain type of sand used.
Most of the litter boxes on this list have odor-reducing technology, but we still recommend placing the litter box in a more private area of the home where odors can escape.

①Pleaseclick "Auto"onthepanelortheApptoturn-offtheauto-sensingfeatureifthecatis lessthan2.2lb(1kg)orthecatispregnant.Whenthedeviceneedscleaning,youwillneedto click"Clean"tostartthecleaningprocess.
②To clean litter quicker, you can adjustthe“ cleaning waittime” inthe App, for example, 1 minute,inthatwayyoucancleanasquicklyaspossibleandreducethesmell.Forfamilies withtwoormore cats, you can adjustthe "cleaning interval" intheAppto avoidrepeated ineffectivecleaningofthedevice.
③If the cat enters the bin for more than 10 seconds, the cat is considered to have potty behavior. After the cat leaves for 3 minutes, the automatic cleaning procedure will be performed.(Thedefaultintervalbetweencleanupsis15minutestopreventthedevicefrom cleaningtoofrequentlyduringmultiplecats'use.Thedevicemightnotworkafterthesecond catpees;theintervaloftwopeesislessthan15minutes.)
④Ifthe App froze, please checkthe network status orre-configurethe network, or clickthe correspondingbuttonontheAppandrepeatonceortwice.

①The"Full"indicatorisonlyforreference.The"Full"indicationmayvarydependingonthecat littervolume , density , andfluidity . Youcanadjustthedelayofthe "Full"signontheAppbased onyourpreferences.Thedefaultis0(thereisstillalittlespaceinthebagforgarbage),andthe maximumvalueis15.
②Ifyouhaverestartedthemachine,thedelayofthe"Full"promptwillberestoredtothedefault, whichis0.ItcanberesetintheAPPifnecessary.
③Normally,thewastebinstoragecapacityof1catcanbeupto15days,andfor3catscanbeup to 5 days. Users can replace the garbage bag every five days, depending on the actual situation.

A: Please check if the cat enters only halfway out of curiosity, or if the device is placedonflatgroundandahardsurface.
Q: Why isthe App showing motor failure, why isthe fault indicator lighted onthe equipmentpanel/whyistheequipmentalwaysself-checking?
A:Ifthe self-checktakesmorethan15minutes,thefaultindicatorison.Itmaybe that the barrel compartment is not installed correctly or something is stuck. Pleaseopenthebuckleofthebarrelcompartment,liftthebarreltoinspect,and thenputitbackaccordingtothetips (onthebase) andclosethebuckle.
A:Lowerrevsmaketimidcatslessscared.Itwillprolongthewholeclearingtimeif catsenterorcomecloserfrequentlyouttocuriosity.
A:Itcouldbecausedbygarbagebagjambycatlitter.Pleaseinspectthegarbagebag porttoseeifitcanbefullyopenedandclose.(itisrecommendedtocheckevery time after installing a new bag). The large size of garbage can be handled manuallytomakeitsmallerfirst.
A:Mixed sand andtofu sand arepreferred.Bentonite sand andmineral sand are
okay, this may affect the delay time of the "Full" prompt due to their weight densityandliquidity.
Q: Why is there some litter sand left in the bin after using the "Replace Litter" function?
A: Please check the garbage bag space to see if there is enough space. Please replacethebagandthen"ReplaceLitter"again.
Q: Why is the litter sand leaking out from the port of the garbage box when replacingthegarbagebag?
A: Please hold the "Clean" for 2 seconds, and then the litter bin will rotate 90° counterc lock wisetoensurethat the portof the bag isup wardwhenreplacing.
A:Pleaseholdthe"RemoveOdor"for2seconds,thelittersandwillbesmoothed,and the weight will be calibrated. Also, please check whether the device is placedonaflatandhard surface .Ifacatentersthebinduring working, itwill alsogetanin accurateweight . Catsentering half wayorstayinginthebinfortoo shortoftimemayalsoresultinincorrectweighing.
A:Thedevicewon'tstopwhensandlevelingandweightcalibrating . Thedeviceis designedwithasafestructure . Rotating 45 degreesissafewhenthecatenters.